2009年1月28日 星期三


From : http://mr6.cc/?p=2766






據comScore Media Metrix的2008年報告指出,迪士尼每個月平均不重覆使用人數為2900萬人,尤其在今年八月(暑假「旺季」)更達到3200萬人。穩坐孩童界第一名寶座。






二、影片從未這麼四處的出現過:到迪士尼官網從到到尾都是flash做的,每一頁的選單和logo都是慢慢的跳出來,而且,頁面上的影片特別的多,所有的頁面幾乎都有影片,有的在左上角,有的在下方一個小框框……孩子就是不會讀長篇大論,故事書這麼多讀不完;讓一個孩子坐在電腦前這麼久,影音幫助很大。此外,據報導說迪士尼官網也會播放一些長片像《The Wonderful World of Disney and Camp Rock》很長,還有一些短片如《Kid’s Inaugural: We Are the Future》,接下來還有一些NG鏡頭像是《High School Musical 3: The Making of a Musical》將在一個星期後在網上上映。據另一份報導,它在這個寒假也已經推出三部新片的預告片,只有在線上看得到!難怪迪士尼除了取得兒童最大流量網站,同時也是兒童線上影音播放秒數最多的網站。





2009年1月22日 星期四


From http://tim.nccu.edu.tw/jflee/articles/C225.htm


如果哈默爾說話的對象是對準Corporate America說這樣的話,我想「管理大未來」大力闡揚的「管理2.0」對Corporate Taiwan可能是更遙遠的一個追求標的。


坪效(900美元/平方呎)為傳統競爭對手的兩倍,單店營業成長額(11%)是全美國零售業平均值三倍的「健全食品公司」(Whole Foods);

以創新透氣防水布料Gore Tex知名的「戈高公司」;









最後,「管理2.0」的企業以進化性優勢為目標,營運模式以及產品都不斷進化推出;以「70-20-10」 的比例分配資源於本業—延伸服務—非核心事業的創新點子;以極度扁平、徹底分權型式進用頂尖人才(「零蠢才天地」),組織自我管理小團隊執行多項快速而低 成本的實驗(「失敗的時間要早,損失要小」),要求廣泛且儘早的市場回饋資訊;而且全公司持續對話(就像一個高度網路化的組織),以同儕評鑑及高激勵獎金 (Google有員工團隊因推出對公司重大貢獻的創意而獲得一千萬美元的「創辦人獎金」)。









整體而言,先知哈默爾的福音訊息是管理創新仰賴社群(而非層級組織),同儕的水平互動,相互調整(而非主管權威的垂直督導),市場的群眾智慧(而非管理階層的判斷)。「管理2.0」相信多次的市場對話逐步修正Just Enough的原創產品 / 服務,漸進成為Good Enough,認為推出多版本創新的頻次與速度比正確重要,也主張「完美是進步的敵人」。


仔細分析,Google, Gore, Whole Foods這 些公司的平權化,其實員工仍負擔極大工作責任。而且這些公司的同仁均要具備充分的產業知識與營運資訊。他們擁有相對大的營運管理權,但仍符合「管理權、知 識權、財產權三權相合者強,相離者弱,相背者亡」的組織管理金律。看起來像前衛極端的組織物種,但並非管理理論的反例。只是這些公司都比較偏向Henry Mintzberg所稱的「專業科層」組織與「暫時性構型」組織罷了。

「及早先敗、及早學習」模式,哈默爾標舉了GoogleIBMEBO專案)為例,其實我們最近檢視You Tube公司,也發現相同模式。是否因為這些公司作的不是網路服務就是軟體系統服務,創新過程中的Prototyping原型試製不像製造業所費不貲,「多次失敗、多次學習」模式才能適用。可能這也是「管理2.0」運用限制之一。

無論如何,先知哈默爾的貢獻是顯著的,在創新的組織管理議題上他是做了少有的尖銳分析並提出前瞻見解。正如他所言,過去七十年來,有超過52千 篇文獻中出現了「科技創新」與「技術創新」名詞。但只有三千篇文章討論「產品創新」,有超過六百篇探討較新的「策略創新」概念(含「商業模式創新」),但 探討「管理創新」、「組織創新」的文章卻不到三百篇。對重視創新的各界人士而言,「管理大未來」的確提出了值得深思的觀察。

2009年1月19日 星期一

Web Design Trends For 2009

from http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/01/14/web-design-trends-for-2009/

Web Design Trends For 2009

We Web designers are a fickle lot. We love to experiment with things. We love to observe how people interact with our work. And we love to try out unusual design approaches that might possibly go mainstream and become a classic approach. As a result, new design approaches come up, and as more and more designers notice them and make use of them, new trends emerge.

Over the last months, we’ve analyzed numerous Web designs, observing emerging trends and weighing the merits of numerous design decisions and coding solutions. In this post, we present Web design trends for 2009: recent developments, new design elements and new graphic approaches. We also discuss situations in which these trends can be used and present some beautiful examples. Did you miss any recent development in this overview? Let us know in the comments!

This article covers only 10 of the over 25 trends we’ve identified over the last months. The second part will be published next week. We’ll cover new layouts, new visual approaches and new design elements. Please stay tuned.

Web Design Trends For 2009

Let’s first take a closer look at the main trends we identified, discovered and observed over the last months. In this overview, you’ll find a review of each trend and more beautiful examples that can inspire you in your next project.

  1. Letterpress

    Web Design Trends 2009

  2. Rich user interfaces

    Web Design Trends 2009

  3. PNG transparency

    Web Design Trends 2009

  4. Big typography

    Web Design Trends 2009

  5. Font replacement (sIFR, etc.)

    Web Design Trends 2009

  6. Modal boxes

    Web Design Trends 2009

  7. Media blocks

    Web Design Trends 2009

  8. The magazine look

    Web Design Trends 2009

  9. Carousels (slideshows)

    Web Design Trends 2009

  10. Introduction blocks

    Web Design Trends 2009

Now let’s go into detail and take a closer look at each of the trends presented above.

1. Letterpress

One of the most unexpected trends we’ve observed over the last months was the emergence of letterpress (actually pressed letters) in Web design. Probably the most important reason for this trend is the simple fact that this technique has been rarely used until now. Letterpress is used in various styles and on various websites and for various topics; in particular, it is often used in product designs and on websites for online services.

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009


2. Rich User Interfaces

Happily, user interfaces in modern websites and Web applications are becoming more beautiful and more usable. Over the last year, the user experience for these applications has dramatically improved, resulting in rich and responsive user interface that have tremendous similarities with classic desktop applications. AJAX and Flash are widely used to offer users the dynamic interaction that they have come to expect from advanced, sophisticated, professional solutions.

In particular, we’ve seen much more white space over the last year, much more padding and much more space for various design elements. We also observed that many modern user interfaces display intuitive visual clues to communicate the status of a user’s interaction with the system. For instance, upon being clicked, event buttons often change their appearance from a “normal” to a “pressed” look (as on Newspond.com and Quicksnapper.com), confirming and providing immediate feedback on the user’s interaction with the system. Aside from this, more and more services are now able to be personalized by the user: for us, it’s a clear sign that adaptive user interfaces are coming in 2009.

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Both examples are evidence that designers of Web applications are paying significantly more attention to the way in which functionality is presented and are trying to improve the user experience with more interactive and responsive solutions.

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009


3. PNG transparency

PNG transparency, although unsupported by Internet Explorer 6, seems to have gained popularity on the scene over the last year. Apparently, designers are trying to better integrate background images into the actual content and are aiming for a style that is often seen in printed media, magazines for instance. In most cases, semi-transparent backgrounds stand out in the overall background of a page and are intended to highlight an important design element, such as a headline or announcement. Sometimes PNG transparency is used for the background of modal boxes as well.

Last year, we described a variety of ways in which can get creative with transparency in Web design, and many designers seemed to experiment with these techniques in their work. Interestingly enough, transparency is often used either in the header or footer of designs, but some designs go beyond that.

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009


4. HUGE Typography

We presented some outstanding examples of BIG typography in previous posts. In 2009, big typography should remain popular. In particular, design agencies, portfolios, product websites and online services will use big typography to communicate the most important messages of their websites.

The font size of these design elements often goes beyond 36 pixels, and in many cases quite expensive typefaces are used to reach an audience. Overall, designers are paying closer attention to typographic details such as leading, line height and choice of font. The consequence: websites are more beautiful and more consistent and look solid and trustworthy.

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009


5. Font Replacement

As designers pay more attention to typography, they also pay more attention to the fonts that are used for the copy in the body of websites. Although classics such as Helvetica, Arial, Georgia and Verdana undoubtedly dominate, we observed a slight trend towards font replacement (for instance, with sIFR).

What is interesting is that these fonts are often seamlessly integrated in the design of websites; they are almost never used for their own sake or simply to “upgrade” the typography of a website. Designers are trying to blend beautiful typography and arresting visual design to improve the appearance of websites and improve the user experience.

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009


6. Modal Boxes (Lightboxes)

Modal boxes (dialog windows) are, essentially, the second generation of pop-ups. They serve as a user-friendly alternative to classic JavaScript windows and support users by focusing their attention on the most important area of the website. Modal windows are always triggered by a user action (e.g. signing up or logging in) and appear on top of the main content, like a window in a regular desktop application. Modal windows are often presented in a very subtle way: they are often semi-transparent and have a “Close” button.

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009


7. Media Blocks

With more broadband Internet access, users can now afford to browse more than they did a couple of years ago, and designers can use this opportunity to present content in a more attractive and memorable way. Hence, it’s no wonder that many product websites use media blocks (for videos and screencasts) for this very purpose. The main advantage of such elements is that they can communicate content quickly and effectively and make it easier for users to consume information.

Users just lean back and enjoy the show; they get everything explained to them step by step, without having to click, search for descriptions or learn the navigation. The movies are usually pretty short and get directly to the point; they are mostly formal but can be entertaining, too.

But please make sure that videos are an alternative presentation of (and not the main or only!) content on your website. Not every user has broadband access to the Web, not every user is willing to watch a video (e.g. because he or she may have a radio or music playing in the background), and not every user has Flash and JavaScript installed on his or her machine.

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009


8. The Magazine Look

An interesting development in the design of blogs is the adaptation of various techniques usually found in traditional (print) media. The arrangement of posts on the page, the use of typography, illustrations and even text alignment often resemble traditional techniques from print. Grid-based designs are gaining popularity as well but are used mostly in portfolios, product pages and big blogs; they almost never appear on corporate websites or in online shops.

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009


9. Carousels (Slideshows)

Carousels are essentially slideshow navigations, in which the content rotates vertically or horizontally (hence the name “carousel”). To rotate the navigation, users need to click on one of two toggle elements (usually a left/right or up/down arrow). Depending on the toggle element selected, the content is rotated in the desired direction.

Instead of clicking through various sections of the website for their favorite stories, users can quickly skim through the available stories without vertical scrolling or unnecessary mouse movements. The result: users save time, and the carousel focuses their attention sharply on the content, instead of on interacting with the browser. Such slideshow navigation is often used on entertainment websites and big blogs, but designers also make use of it in their portfolios to showcase their work in a more interactive way.

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009


10. Introduction Blocks

The upper-left area of a website is the most important block on the page, because it grabs the most attention from visitors. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to place the most important message of the website right there and thus make sure that readers get the message as quickly as possible.

In fact, this is exactly what many designers are doing. Whether for a Web application, corporate design, online service or portfolio, designers are pushing their slogans and brief introductions to the top of the page and are using strong, vivid typography to make a good first impression. Some introductions are short, others are quite lengthy; in either case, they usually take a lot of space; the full width of the layout and between 250 and 400 pixels in height are common dimensions for these introduction blocks. Notice, though, that introduction blocks almost never appear in blogs and rarely in online shops.

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Design Trends 2009

Stay tuned!

This article covers only 10 of the over 25 trends we’ve identified over the last months. The second part will be published next week. We’ll cover new layouts, new visual approaches and new design elements. Please stay tuned.
