2009年2月5日 星期四

41 Top Tips To Growing Your Social Media Presence


  1. Be remarkable - somebody worth making a remark about
  2. Become a resource to others
  3. Have your own unique personality
  4. Be vocal and opinionated within the communtiy
  5. Don’t continuously push the envelope by flooding them with requests
  6. Invest time into social media
  7. Produce and share content that your audience will love
  8. Monitor what’s being shared about you
  9. Become a real member of the community
  10. Ask questions
  11. Answer questions
  12. Provide value to the community
  13. Be controversial
  14. Don’t be another “me-too”
  15. Automate carefully - it’s about people not robots
  16. Don’t be an asshole
  17. Make it easy for people to share and bookmark your content
  18. Listen to the community
  19. Make at least one new connection every day
  20. Engage yourself in conversations
  21. Become the conversation
  22. You’re there to make relationships, not hard selling
  23. Take time to focus on building a loyal following
  24. Give, Give, GIVE!
  25. Treat social media like a cocktail party
  26. Be supportive
  27. Syndicate your content across all social media platforms
  28. Encourage others to syndicate your content onto their sites
  29. Fully research the community to understand your market
  30. Be fun
  31. Get to know the unwritten laws of the community
  32. Create an attractive, unique and professional profile
  33. Use a cool avatar/picture
  34. Use the same avatar for each social media service
  35. Don’t be a keyboard gangsta (i.e. trash talk all day)
  36. Know what your followers/friends want and give it to them
  37. Form reciprocal arrangements with others
  38. Monitor your noise level
  39. Never cheat the system
  40. Help others unconditionally
  41. Be yourself

