- Be remarkable - somebody worth making a remark about
- Become a resource to others
- Have your own unique personality
- Be vocal and opinionated within the communtiy
- Don’t continuously push the envelope by flooding them with requests
- Invest time into social media
- Produce and share content that your audience will love
- Monitor what’s being shared about you
- Become a real member of the community
- Ask questions
- Answer questions
- Provide value to the community
- Be controversial
- Don’t be another “me-too”
- Automate carefully - it’s about people not robots
- Don’t be an asshole
- Make it easy for people to share and bookmark your content
- Listen to the community
- Make at least one new connection every day
- Engage yourself in conversations
- Become the conversation
- You’re there to make relationships, not hard selling
- Take time to focus on building a loyal following
- Give, Give, GIVE!
- Treat social media like a cocktail party
- Be supportive
- Syndicate your content across all social media platforms
- Encourage others to syndicate your content onto their sites
- Fully research the community to understand your market
- Be fun
- Get to know the unwritten laws of the community
- Create an attractive, unique and professional profile
- Use a cool avatar/picture
- Use the same avatar for each social media service
- Don’t be a keyboard gangsta (i.e. trash talk all day)
- Know what your followers/friends want and give it to them
- Form reciprocal arrangements with others
- Monitor your noise level
- Never cheat the system
- Help others unconditionally
- Be yourself
2009年2月5日 星期四
41 Top Tips To Growing Your Social Media Presence
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